Friday, December 14, 2007
100 Christmas and Children's Tales- $1!!!!!!
Christmas at Fezziwig's Warehouse - Charles Dickens
The Fir-Tree - Hans Christian Andersen
The Christmas Masquerade - Mary E. Wilkins Freeman
The Shepherds and the Angels - Adapted from the Bills
The Telltale Tile - Olive Thorne Miller
Little Girl's Christmas - By Winnifred E. Lincoln
A Christmas Matinee - M.A.L. Lane
Toinette and the Elves - Susan Coolidge
The Voyage of the Wee Red Cap. By Ruth Sawyer Durand
A Story of the Christ-Child (a German Legend for Christmas Eve) - Elizabeth Harrison
Jimmy Scarecrow's Christmas - Mary E. Wilkins Freeman
Why the Chimes Rang - Raymond McAlden
The Birds'Christmas (founded on fact) - F.E. Mann
The Little Sister's Vacation - Winifred M. Kirkland
Little Wolff's Wooden Shoes - Francois Coppee, adapted and translated by Alma J. Foster
Christmas in the Alley - Olive Thorne Miller
A Christmas Star - Katherine Pyle
The Queerest Christmas - Grace Margaret Gallaher
Old Father Christmas - J.H. Ewing
A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens
How Christmas Came to the Santa Maria Flats - Elia W. Peattie
The Legend of Babouscka - From the Russian Folk Tale
Christmas in the Barn - F. Arnstein
The Philanthropist's Christmas - James Weber Linn
The First Christmas-Tree - Lucy Wheelock
The First New England Christmas - G.L. Stone and M.G. Fickett
The Cratchits' Christmas Dinner - Charles Dickens
Christmas in Seventeen Seventy-Six - Anne Hollingsworth Wharton
Christmas Under the Snow - Olive Thorne Miller
Mr. Bluff's Experience of Holidays - Oliver Bell Bunce
Master Sandy's Snapdragon - Elbridge S. Brooks
A Christmas Fairy - John Strange Winter
The Greatest of These - Joseph Mills Hanson
Little Gretchen and the Wooden Shoe - Elizabeth Harrison
Big Rattle - Theodore Goodridge Roberts
50 Children’s Christian Stories-that teach values from the Bible
Daddy the Superhero
The Window in Time
Bad Imaginary Friend
The Rumor with Furry Feet
Fat Wally and the Piggies
Saturday, November 17, 2007
How To Write Super Profitable Articles & E-Mails Just Like A Pro
- Common Mistakes Most People Make In Their E-Mails - Here you are going to learn exactly what makes an e-mail promotion or article flop and how you can avoid these pitfalls forever!
- How To Induce Sales With Cleverly Written Text - You are going to learn how to use the secrets of persuasion to your total advantage and how to persuade anyone to part with their cash to buy your product.
- How To Write Captivating Content - This section will teach you how to write content that engages your reader 100% almost like hypnosis and also how to turn that interest in your article to interest in your product!
- How To Write At Turbo Speed - In a hurry or just don't want to spend loads of time writing? You're going to learn how to write at record speeds and the best part is, the quality will be of extremely high quality!
- The Relationship Factor -There's no doubt, you need to create relationships with people in order to sell to them. Here you will learn the insider tactics to creating strong relationships with people using the power of e-mail!
- Response Boosters! - Is your article or e-mail promotion just not doing as well as you'd hoped? Never fear! You are going to learn how you can increase the response of any article or e-mail with just a few fast, simple tweaks!
- Autoresponders, HTML & Personalization - This is where you will learn how to use some of the "tools of the trade" in non-conventional ways for extreme profits, higher response and automatic sales follow-up.
- The Secret Formula For Your Mailing Schedule - Here you are going to learn the precise formula that you need to use to create the strongest, most profitable relationships with your subscribers by staying in their mind!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
You Won't Believe What I Was Given and Now It's Yours
Dear Readers,
What if I did you a favor, something big, something powerful and
proven to help you grow your business which you would usually have
to pay for and instead of paying for it, you simply pay it forward
to 3 more people as full 'payment'.
You may think there's a catch.
No, there isn't. World class copywriter, Trevor Crook gave me his
10 hours of Copywriting Blueprint audios, his proven blueprint for
creating compelling sales copy and letters which he usually sells
for $197.
Trevor gave it to me as a favor because he has started a
revolution to help one million entrepreneurs in the next 30 days
and you and get a brilliant gift to help you get more sales plus
you can help change history at the same time.
You do not have to buy anything. There's no gimmicks.
Too may people want to 'take' in today's world instead of giving
and this is a recipe for a complete disaster.
When you understand the 'Laws of Reciprocation' like I do, you will
understand how much your life will change when you give freely
of yourself without any thoughts of getting anything back in return.
Trevor has explained this in more detail and you can find out for
yourself and get Trevor's favor to you. Go to:
PS. I know of a less-than-honest so-called "internet
marketing consultant" who is SELLING this information for $197. This
was not Trevor's intent- he wanted it to be FREE, in order to help
people get started.When I first read Trevor's letter, I thought he was insane so I
would take him up on his offer to give you his copywriting blueprint
right now before he changes his mind.
Go to:
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
What You Need to Start an eZine Publication
Content. You can compile weeks of content ahead in advance and slowly dispense them to your subscribers. For example, you can compile 100 short tips in one day and dispense 10 tips once a week. In other words, you can compile 10 weeks worth of content in just one day!
Auto responder. Your auto responder is your asset. You need an auto responder to send your mails and eZine issues to your subscribers and store your data base of people subscribed to your newsletter. Some recommended auto responders include and
Website. You may be surprised that this is actually an optional component. In short, there are eZine publishers publishing their newsletters without a website! But of course, having your own website can offer you tremendous advantages, such as the ability to bring in more subscribers and having your newsletter indexed in the top Search Engines.
These are the things you need to get started on publishing your own eZine at its bare minimum. Do not underestimate the little you need, though, because several eZine publishers today succeed well with only an auto responder and contents, with or without a website. And you can, too!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
The Truth About Writing Your E-Book in 7 days
Free e-book writing mini-course
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
STEP UP! Help A Working Mother In Dire Straits
This story is not an easy one to tell. And the courage it took for the woman to let me tell it to you is immense.
Her name is Cy. She’s a sweet, hard working mother of 4 kids. One of them just 20 months old. Right now, all 5 of them are stuck in the middle of nowhere with no money, no place to stay, and I assume nothing to eat.
I’m telling you this story because you can help. Her kids need help. And I feel compelled to use my influence on the internet to persuade you to help.
Imagine your boyfriend breaking your hands so you could no longer use the internet. Imagine having your head slammed into the doorway. Imagine having your ribs busted by someone you lived with and had a relationship with.
After you watch that video, ask yourself a question: If it was a close friend of yours, what would YOU do to help?
No one should have to suffer domestic abuse like this. Obviously, you now see why I need your help. Please take a few seconds to watch the video below and see how you can help get Cy to a better place tomorrow…
Here’s what Cy needs…
Some money to get to a new city. She has a safe place to go and once there, will start looking for shelter for her kids. Right now she is stranded with nothing. In fact, her Paypal is -$250 after this monstrous ordeal.
I urge you to please dig deep into your heart and do whatever you can to help out Cy and her kids. I told her I would only help if she promised to move to the new city, start a new life, and surround herself with supportive people.
Right now, she just needs some supportive people. I’m not asking a lot from you, just whatever you can possibly do. Maybe it’s just tell a friend. Maybe it’s just a prayer. Please help however you feel comfortable doing so.
You can view Cy’s Product here…
If you are not interested in the product, but would like to just help with a couple bucks for daily needs, please send paypal payment to the email below….
cyprice @ ( obviously without the spaces )
Thank you everyone, it means a lot to me and many of Cy’s friends.Wednesday, August 8, 2007
The Copy Editor - Exciting new Online Gift Shop for Writers
Stocked with a whimsical variety of T-Shirts, shopping bags, caps, coffee mugs and beer steins, BBQ aprons, journals, mouse pads and magnets designed to appeal to those who craft with words, either for a living or as a hobby, The Copy Editor's
wares feature headlines, journalistic bloopers, and funny sayings for the "thinking person".
The items are divided into sections, including Headline Bloopers, news headlines that make you look and think twice; Journos, designed to appeal to reporters and journalists; Language at Large, a grouping of more general merchandise; and Unsung Heroes, dedicated to copy editors. Many of the gifts have the "yellowed parchment" look, reminiscent of old writings, newspapers, and important documents. There is even a "Value" section, with modestly priced t-shirts that do not skimp on either quality or originality.
Don't see quite what you are looking for? Is there a motto or headline that you would like to see emblazoned on a t-shirt or mug? Never fear! The Copy Editor
is at your service, and will create a custom gift item for you to give to your favorite Wordsmith (or, to keep for yourself!) This online store is very user-friendly, innovative and is constantly updating the merchandise with new designs. There is even an order-by-phone option for those hesitant to give their credit card information online.
So, why wait for the back-to-school or holiday rush? Surf on over to The Copy Editor and start your shopping early!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Creative Manifestation
Money is ethereal energy and reflects our current state of mind. Our relationship with money reflects our relationship with self and others. Our understanding of money is deeply rooted in our psyche. We are ego driven beings and live in a robotic age. We either fall in the employee or entrepreneur category. As employees, we turn into slaves at the expense of receiving a steady paycheque and being eligible for regular benefits. Even in our waking states, we are asleep. Our day-to-day activities revolve around a clock and we tend to believe that our lives are structured and orderly. We get up in the morning, have breakfast and race to work like robots, implement our duties, inhale and exhale stress, return home exhausted and still resume in work mode, retire to bed and begin this vicious perpetuating cycle again at the dawn of a new day. Our minds constantly race and work overdrive. For some of us, the routine becomes drudgery and turns into a rut. We hide our discontentment under a winning smile, deceiving self and others that we are content with our current status and aspirations in life. Some of us may be honest and throw a line as such—‘It is just a job…pays the bills’—amidst daily conversation. We go up the corporate ladder and earn a reputation for becoming successful. We become our ambitions and our possessions. We compete against our competitors, launch publicity campaigns, develop marketing strategies to commercialize our ideas and turn them into lucrative corporations and empires. Money then loses its ethereal sense. It turns into a battle field with everyone struggling to grab it and hold on to it at the expense of greed and ego and not their highest good. We feel a pit in the depth of our souls and we sense that there is something missing. That something is the universal truth we seek. That something is the union with our higher power. That something is an opportunity to become one with all that is. That something is an everlasting divine ray of golden stream of magnetic energy that showers out the top of our head and cascades down all over our body. We suddenly find ourselves living in this world but not being part of it. That something lurks in the recesses of our soul until we are ready to rise from our own burning ashes and become enlightened beings. Until that defined moment, we live a life filled with shattered illusion and suppress what may be perceived as hurt, pain, shame, humiliation, loss of money and suffering. The list is endless. It is the ego that feels pain and suffering. We remain in a state of denial until we are faced with a crisis of some sort i.e. losing a job, becoming ill or losing a loved one. Crisis becomes our wake up call and awakens our senses. Crisis is the key that unlocks the door to our eternal bliss or ‘nirvana’. Crisis propels us along a path that is unknown and foreign to us. This would be our opportune moment to discover self and transform into our authentic self. It is our authentic self that blossoms and moves toward the light. A healing cycle of deep reflection and self-evaluation then begins. We begin the process of elimination in order to create room for creative manifestation. We bring order to what appears to be chaos. We get rid of clutter and purge away the old. We let go of ego and take the path of least resistance. We focus on nurturing self and developing our intuitive powers. When we quieten the constant chatter in our minds, we learn to be still and listen. We begin to manifest our desires with the assistance of the universe, but we first let go of trying. We release any personal efforting and learn to creatively visualize our desired outcome. We trust that there is an incredible manifesting power inside us that will naturally and effortlessly create our desires for us. When we are in tune and aligned with our higher power, we become manifesting magnets and raise our perceptual awareness. We turn up our trust dial and our bodies' manifesting vibrations. Miracles then abound. We become the creators and conductors of our life and rewrite our own movie script. Work becomes a source of joy and inspiration and we find ourselves amidst infinite riches and blessings of the universe.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Exciting new weapon against Plagarism!
To meet the challenge, iPlagiarismCheck has developed a thorough, economical, and fast service to check documents for originality. When you submit a paper to iPlagiarismCheck, it is checked for originality against both online documents and printed works found in five huge databases, including Google, FindArticles, and term-paper sites, whether they be custom "research" sites or "paper mills". The service is not only for English-language papers, but also checks documents written in 20 other languages. iPlagiarismCheck's patented technology also scans documents for "masked plagiarism", in which text is imported into an editor such as Word Flood or Article Spinner, and systematically re-written, by substituting synonyms for selected words, and then submitted as original material. Originality reports are usually produced in only about three minutes, whereas other services take up to 24 hours for their turnaround time.
The service is useful both for teachers and professors and for students who want to stay honest and make sure that their work is "clean". A sample report is given on the company's web site: There are packages available from $5 for a single documents- perfect for students on a budget; to a $65 package which allows unlimited submissions for a year- designed for teachers and professors, and other professionals.
The school year is fast approaching! For more information or to sign up, please visit the company's site
Sunday, July 29, 2007
17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
Dewitt Media is a search marketing and website design company that’s recently launched a contextual links program. Blogs need to have a minimum Google Page Rank of 3 before they will be accepted. Rates are set at $10 per post.
Like V7N, Dewitt Media requires you to sign a NDA or Non Disclosure agreement, which forbids you from disclosing that any specific link or blog post was sponsored. There is currently no marketplace with advertiser offers though a forum might be forthcoming.
17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
15. LinkyLoveArmy
17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
14. BlogtoProfit
BlogtoProfit allows you to get paid to write blog posts about each sponsor’s products/websites. This company doesn’t have a user interface or dashboard and there is no marketplace which allows you to pick or choose the offers you want. I’ve tried submitting some blogs to them before but have never gotten response from them at all. It is possible that they are not active anymore.
17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
13. LinkWorth
LinkWorth is a search engine marketing company that offers a variety of monetization options for bloggers. For instance, bloggers can sell contextual links within posts or write sponsored posts on specific topics.
Other interesting methods include rotating ads, in content ppc advertising as well as packaged link ads. LinkWorth gives up to 70% of the revenue for its ads and payments are made monthly through Paypal, check, direct deposit or Wire.
17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
V7N Contextual is not technically a get paid to blog network because most of the time you won’t have to write a blog post. All you’ll have to do is to transform any specific keyword (eg. golf clubs) in your blog posts into a link to the advertiser’s website. All bloggers will earn $10 per link, regardless of their blog size and reach.
An important point to note is that you’ll have to sign a non-disclosure agreement, which means that you can’t disclose that it was a sponsored link. I have blogs in the V7N program and have not received many offers before. Don’t count on getting too many assignments.
17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
11. Creamaid
CreamAid is a get paid to blog program with a twist. All bloggers of an option of displaying a widget which allows them to earn referral commission whenever another blogger picks up an offer from it.
CreamAid is more fun than the other get paid to blog websites although I think their monetary potential is weakest. Don’t expect to earn more than $5 for most offers you come across.17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
10. Blogging Ads
Blogging Ads started early and recently relaunched with a new look. It’s nothing too different from Blogitive, however do note that you can only put up 10 posts per month on all your blogs and the rate for each post is usually $5. Payment is made weekly via Paypal. Blogging Ads doesn’t have a lot of advertiser offers as well.
17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
9. PayU2Blog
PayU2Blog started a few months ago and do seem to be a work in progress. There is no actual marketplace which allows you to browse for advertiser offers and they do seem to function very much like Blogsvertise in that that’ll determine the type of assignments you will receive. Payment is made every two weeks via Paypal.
17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
8. Smorty
Smorty rates for sponsored blog posts is $6 per post although this might increase if you have a high traffic or popular blog. Post approvals are generally made within a week and payment is made on a weekly basis through Paypal. There isn’t a lot of advertisers using Smorty at the moment though that might change in the future.
17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
7. BloggerWave
Based on Norway, BloggerWave’s rates for paid posts are generally around $10 for a single post. There doesn’t seem to be many restrictions and you’ll get paid via Paypal. BloggerWave has been late on payment for many bloggers and some bloggers have gone so far to suggest that they are a scam.
Apparently, they seem to have made good on their payments recently and hopefully things should go smoothly from now on for bloggers using BloggerWave.
17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
6. LoudLaunch
LoudLaunch is a medium sized paid blogging network which features a moderate amount of advertiser offers. Your blogs need to be more than 2 months old and payment is only made via Paypal. Like Payperpost, the blogger usually needs to append a disclosure badge, tracker tag or logo or the bottom of posts.
The user interface doesn’t appeal to me and like other networks like Blogsvertise, the range of advertisers seem to be rather limited.
17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
5. Blogitive
Blogitive will pay all bloggers a flat rate of US $5 per advertiser offer, regardless of the size or popularity of the blog. One of the earliest blog networks on the scene, Blogitive seems to be gotten into a slump a few months after their launch.
They’ve recently revamped their user interface and one of the much touted Blogitive advantages is that they pay weekly via Paypal. Blogitive has a very poor collection of advertisers and that’s something that they definitely need to improve.
17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
4. Blogsvertise
Blogsvertise doesn’t have a marketplace so you can’t browse advertiser offers to select what you would like to write about. The site admins will match advertiser offers to your blog profile and you can choose to accept or reject the offers you see.
Generally, the assignments are sporadic and you’ll receive one or two of them every week if you’re lucky. They do however pay on time so that’s one of the benefits of working with Blogsvertise.
17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
SponsoredReview is a blog network that is somewhat similar to ReviewMe but they offer a little more functionality by allowing you to negotiate fees with the advertiser and bid for an advertiser’s offers.
SponsoredReview takes 35% commission for their services and you’ll earn anything from $10 to 500+ for each review. Their user interface is one of the better ones out there and the only drawback to their service is the lack of advertisers.
17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
2. ReviewMe
ReviewMe is basically some sort of a blog marketplace where advertisers can visit to order reviews from blogs. Some of the more ‘high-end’ or popular blogs are registered with ReviewMe and the earnings are substantially higher if your blog is well established and has a large audience. This is measured by your feed subscription base as well as the Technorati and Alexa Rank.
Bigger blogs tend to earn upwards of $100 to 700+ for each single blog post and there are a lot less restrictions and rules than Payperpost. The downside for ReviewMe is that they take a hefty 50% commission for their services, which in my opinion is too large.
17 Sponsored Blogging Networks
Some of these networks should be well known to everyone but I’ll wanted to be as thorough as possible when developing this extensive list of paid blogging websites.
This list will be updated regularly and more paid blogging websites will be added in the future. Hopefully this will help all of you to make more money from your blogs.
1. PayPerPost
The largest sponsored blogging network, Payperpost offers the greatest amount of offers and has a vibrant community of bloggers who support each other through a forum. If you only want to sign up for one paid blogging network, I would highly recommend using PayPerPost above all the others.
The addition of PayperPost Direct and existing affiliate programs will extend your income potential outside of the basic marketplace structure utilized by most other networks.
Paid blogging networks
One of the easiest ways to make money online is to set up a blog around a specific topic of interest and generate online income from the display of advertising/affiliate programs, product sales or the provision of online services.One formidable way of making money from blogs consists of effectively using paid blogging networks.
From an advertiser’s standpoint, blogs are simply publishing platforms which produce content that is viewable by both search engines and potential customers.
Advertisers want more exposure for their businesses and will often purchase sponsored links or written content in a bid to generate public buzz and increase their search engine visibility.
Here is where you come in. As a member of paid blogging websites, you will get paid to blog about the advertiser’s products, website or service. These advertisers will pay the blog networks directly and you’ll receive a stipulated fee when you agree to take on each specific assignment.
How do I Make Money with Sponsored Blogging websites?
The process is actually fairly simple. Start by signing up with these sponsored blogging networks and giving them the web address for your blog. Some of these networks stipulate that your blog must have of a certain age (3 months old etc.) so take note of that before applying.
Take a look at their Terms of Service and wait for your blog to be approved by the administration. This usually takes a few days. After your blog is approved, go through their marketplace (if they have one) or just wait for blogging offers to arrive at your email inbox or site dashboard.
When you decide to take up a specific offer, write a blog post according to the instructions given. Publish the post and inform the blog network of the page URL. This is usually done through a user interface after you’ve logged into the network.
After your post is approved, you’ll receive payment according to the stipulated time frame. You can earn around $5 to $500+ for one single blog post, depending on the popularity, size and niche of your blog.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
How can article writing boost traffic and income?
If they do, your article will include a link back to your site. And anyone who reads the article on that site can still click on the link to visit your site.
As the list of your published articles grow larger, and more and more of them are appearing on different websites, the total number of links to your site increases also. Major search engines are placing a lot of significance on incoming links to websites so they can determine the importance of a certain site.
The more incoming links the website has, the more importance search engines attaches to it. This will then increase your website’s placement in the search results.
If you site is into promoting a product or service, the links that your articles have achieved will mean more potential customers for you. Even if visitors only browse through, you never know if they might be in need of what you are offering in the future.
For more information, please visit Easy Article Marketing
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Imagine If...
Imagine if You could then use Your mind to manifest these decisions - without wavering - because it's crystal clear where you need to be and what you need to do.
Imagine if You could Create this Life of Your Dreams.
Imagine thousands of lives benefiting from your new creation - whether it's a book, a work of art, or a business.
Imagine creating jobs, changing lives, creating products that benefit humanity.
Imagine being a shining light - a bringer of wisdom and enlightenment to your community.
Follow this link to get started.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Want to make money online?
Monday, June 11, 2007
Aspects of blog marketing
While you are learning all about the aspects of blog marketing, you are going to find that comments on a blog are also a very important aspect of blog marketing. You will want to be sure that you always answer and acknowledge the comments that are made to your blog as well as others. When you show that you are an actual person that can hold a conversation, you are showing others that you are real and that you really and truly have the best intentions for your blog. Make sure that no comment goes unanswered. When you do this and do it consistently, it will show your readers that you will acknowledge them and answer their questions. That will in return make them come back to see what your answer was if they asked a question. Find out more at Easy Blogging
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Another tip to help you write effectively is to find the time of day when your thoughts are most clear. Personally I find that to be in the morning hours. I find it very difficult to organize my thoughts after working all day. The evening may work better for some, especially for moms once they get the children down for the night and the house is quiet again. And then there are those night owls.
The important thing to remember is that you need to find the time that works best for you and then try to stick to that schedule daily. Developing a routine seems to be a most important ingredient in writing for profit.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Beating procrastination
Set a goal for your writing project every day, and achieve it. It's easy to get discouraged when your projects don't seem to be going anywhere. We all need a long-term vision to guide our day-to-day efforts, but many people with high goals develop a negative attitude when they think they're not making progress. That's why it's important to set achievable goals every day. The more goals you achieve, the more positive your attitude will be. Find out more about beating procrastination
Friday, June 8, 2007
Choose the right topic for online videos
Choose the right topic
What do you know how to do that would add value to your customers' lives if you could show them how to do it? If you can teach people how to build a cabinet, for instance, you have a great subject for a video product to sell on the Internet. If you lost weight and got into shape following your own exercise routine, or if you stopped smoking and have helped others to stop smoking, you have a subject for a video product that customers will want to buy.
If you have a gift for inspiring people with stories or motivational talks, you have a product that can give tremendous value to someone's life. In short, whoever you are, whatever you do, you probably know how to do something that thousands of people would want to know how to do, too-if the product existed, and if customers knew where to find it.
If you don't have an idea for a video product, but you have a strong desire to get into the business of video publishing on the Worldwide Web, you can partner with someone you know. Your partner provides the talent and you provide the management, which after all is the business model that allows almost all large video and film projects to be developed, produced, marketed, and distributed.
Find out more at Easy Video Product Creation
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Planet Blaster
Planet Blaster WILL turn your computer into a Money Making Machine!
Your Business will Explode with these lists!
This Program is AWESOME!
This Program is Worldwide!
Email to over 100 Million + Opt-in List Members Daily Using On-Line Blaster...

Monday, June 4, 2007
How to write profitable emails
So, you can write useful and effective emails based on the personal computer’s features. For example a good heading is: “This personal computer offers you a blistering fast experience in gaming”. This would target the users who love gaming – and if you have a list of different segments of users like this, you can change the tag line to suit the category you are sending it to.
Next, you need to make the body look good. Here, a great introduction does wonders in getting your reader hooked to the mail’s matter instantly. Well placed features high lighted correctly will tempt the reader to open the mail, which is exactly what you want. It will continue to hold the attention of the reader into the main body of the mail. If you write about the excellent features of the personal computer and its features here, it may prompt the reader to read through the matter and pause saying “what deadly features!”
If you keep your focus, and use the right keywords, you are sure to attract the reader to sign on for your product or service after they have read an attractive and exciting email. Adding some hypertext and image placeholders will further enhance the beauty of your mail. Be sure to do a test run and get user feedback through your statistics to see how you are doing. This will give you an idea on how much you need to improve your email marketing mailer. The more you tweak it to be more attractive, the better your results will be.
Find out more at Easy EMail Marketing
Friday, June 1, 2007
Writing effective emails for email marketing
The first thing you want to do is FIND OUT MORE AT Easy E-Mail Marketing
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Mo. Man Burns Books As Act of Protest - NEWS - US NATIONAL -
KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Tom Wayne has amassed thousands of books in a warehouse during the 10 years he has run his used book store, Prospero's Books.
His collection ranges from best sellers, such as Tom Clancy's "The Hunt for Red October" and Tom Wolfe's "Bonfire of the Vanities," to obscure titles, like a bound report from the Fourth Pan-American Conference held in Buenos Aires in 1910. But when he wanted to thin out the collection, he found he couldn't even give away books to libraries or thrift shops; they said they were full.
So on Sunday, Wayne began burning his books in protest of what he sees as society's diminishing support for the printed word.
"This is the funeral pyre for thought in America today," Wayne told spectators outside his bookstore as he lit the first batch of books.
The fire blazed for about 50 minutes before the Kansas City Fire Department put it out because Wayne didn't have a permit for burning.
Wayne said next time he will get a permit. He said he envisions monthly bonfires until his supply _ estimated at 20,000 books _ is exhausted.
"After slogging through the tens of thousands of books we've slogged through, and to accumulate that many and to have people turn you away when you take them somewhere, it's just kind of a knee-jerk reaction," he said. "And it's a good excuse for fun."
Wayne said he has seen fewer customers in recent years as people more often get their information from television or the Internet. He pointed to a 2002 study by the National Endowment for the Arts, that found that less than half of adult respondents reported reading for pleasure, down from almost 57 percent in 1982.
Kansas City has seen the number of used bookstores decline in recent years, and there are few independent bookstores left in town, said Will Leathem, a co-owner of Prospero's Books.
"There are segments of this city where you go to an estate sale and find five TVs and three books," Leathem said.
The idea of burning the books horrified Marcia Trayford, who paid $20 Sunday to carry away an armload of tomes on art, education and music.
"I've been trying to adopt as many books as I could," she said.
Dozens of other people took advantage of the book-burning, searching through the books waiting to go into the flames for last-minute bargains.
Mike Bechtel paid $10 for a stack of books, including an antique collection of children's literature, which he said he'd save for his 4-year-old son.
"I think, given the fact it is a protest of people not reading books, it's the best way to do it," Bechtel said. "(Wayne has) made the point that not reading a book is as good as burning it."
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Great new site on writing!
Take a peek at Good Writing
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Public Domain Content
The Public Domain Report
"If you ever wanted to start your own business with the lowest possible risk and the highest possible profits then you owe it to yourself to investigate re-packaging and re-publishing public domain information!
There is a vast treasure of information and creative works such as movies, music, books, manuals, photographs, posters, and more that you can access at ZERO cost (NO royalties or copyright payment fees, EVER!) that you can resell for 100% profit...
So, they are 'free'... but how do you profit??
You can do exactly what I did... digitize the information, create an 'ebook' and sell it on the Internet, create posters, etc.... One book I re-published is about "day trading", another book is on "mind reading" and another book is on "advertising and copywriting".
As I mentioned, when you find a work that's in the public domain you can digitize it (with a scanner hooked up to your computer) you can have it published as a 'real book' and sell it on Amazon, or sell it as an ebook or even create a 'course' and publish it!!... the possibilities are endless and the profits staggering."
Get a copy of The Public Domain Report and start profiting today!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Churning out eZine Content
However, regardless of any topic you are publishing on, types of contents can be generally divided into four categories, namely factual content, short tips, mini stories and case studies.
Other than writing your own content, you can get your own unique content the quick and easy way by organizing an interview with an expert or leader in the topic.
Very often, this can be done for free and since the interviewee is writing out most of the content, there is nothing else for you to do other than giving the interviewee something valuable in exchange (maybe a meal!).
Now if you have money to spare, you can hire a ghostwriter to write your content for you without taking any credit. Recommended professional marketplaces where you can seek ghostwriters include and
Another little known and underused method in getting your own content is via public domains. If you are not familiar with the term "public domain", "public domain" simply means anything that is NOT protected under US copyright law.
This includes ALL works published before 1923 and, under certain conditions, works published up to 1978. And in this case, we are referring “works” to written materials such as reports, articles and books.
Republishing and repackaging public domain information can help you save time and effort from creating new ideas and content as they are readily available. On top of that, you do not have to pay royalties or copyright fees on that work.
If you fancy the idea of publishing content without any writing on your part, this method is for you.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Get those creative juices flowing!
The great thing here is that this doesn’t just apply to online marketing either. It can be put to use in almost any type of business you can think of. All you need is the ability to observe, listen and pay attention to what’s going on around you, and the ability to think laterally. It’s not a complicated process at all, and doesn’t even require an amazing imagination or creativeness. Strange that most people don’t seem to have this ability, yet it’s sitting there, ready for the taking. Practice makes perfect, but start now and along with the info products guides that follow, you’ll be able to come up with ideas for, and create as many products as you want, whenever and however often you wish to do so.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Blast your ad all over the internet!
Blog Blaster takes online Advertising to a new Level! Submit your ad to 2 Million Blogs!
"How would you like to have your ad
on 2 Million Websites ?"
I'm not pulling your leg!
Discover the new way of advertising on the Internet!
This Tool is one of the hottest - if not the hottest - marketing tools available!
Discover the power of the Blog Blaster!
Brand new software revolutionizes the power of online advertising
-never seen before!
How would you like 2 Million Sites linking to your ad ?
Hi, my name is Sebastian Foss. Are you like me? Frustrated by the lack of traffic coming to your Site ?
After all, how many times a day are you BOMBARDED with some lame "get-traffic" scheme on the Internet?
Well, I've got great news for you.
One day I had an idea. An amazing idea actually.
Weblog or blog population is exploding around the world, resembling the growth of e-mail users in the 1990s.
Post your ads where people read them!
- What if you could place your ad on all these sites ?
Right, that would mean you would have millions of sites linking to your ad - and my idea actually works.
I have developed a software that automatically places your ad on millions of blogs.
You will receive thousands of targeted hits to your website as Blog Blaster places your ad on blogs that match your ad's category.
This method has never been released to the public before. Very few, if anyone has implemented this.
Features of Blog Blaster
-Blog Blaster automatically posts your ad to more than 2 Million Websites!
-Be among the first to use this brand new method of online advertising and dominate the web with your ads!
-Blog Blaster will automatically create thousands of links to your website - which will rank your website in a top 10 position!
-Receive hundreds of targeted hits to your website every day from the links in the blogs!
-Post your ads where people read them!
-The software is not complicated - it's as easy as 1,2 - 3
-No matter if you are a professional advertiser or new to online advertising - -Blog Blaster is suitable for everyone.
-You can use Blog Blaster for as many ads as you like - no limitations!
-You do NOT have to pay monthly fees to use Blog Blaster - pay once and use it forever!
-Your ads stay visible for a long time - daily submissions are not required!
-I personally guarantee that if the software does not increase your web site's traffic you will receive a full refund! There is absolutely NO RISK!
-Advertising using Blog Blaster is 100% SPAM FREE advertising! You will never be accused of spamming.
-24/7 Support for our customers! You will even receive my personal email address so I can assist you.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Make Money Writing for Associated Content!
Associated Content is The People's Media Company, the ultimate destination site for both the inquisitive public and Content Producers from around the world. Associated Content curates and publishes a robust, ever-expanding collection of engaging, insightful, original multimedia content on the Web, connecting information seekers with the knowledge they want and the widest range of diverse Content Producers.
I've made some money writing for AC. So far, it's not been thousands of dollars, but it HAS come in handy!! Plus it's not just written articles- they pay MORE for Audio and Video content.
Sound good? OK, then- what are you waiting for?
Help for Teachers!!
Learn How To Make A Difference In The Lives Of Your Students And Inspire Them To Do Their Best For The Rest Of Their Lives With Teacher Tested Techniques You Can Use Immediately In Your Classroom—Guaranteed
I wish I had a book like this when I used to dread going to school in the morning to teach. I still remember that big knot in the pit of my stomach just thinking about my class. I never want to have that feeling again.
I didn’t change those feelings until I took a risk. Help is available, but you have to take a risk, just like I did. How do you put a price on a successful, enjoyable and productive teaching career? Take charge of your own personal and professional development now!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Welcome Aboard!
Blog Archive
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- 17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
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- 17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
- 17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
- 17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
- 17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
- 17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
- 17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
- 17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
- 17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
- 17 Sponsored Blogging Networks-cont.
- 17 Sponsored Blogging Networks
- Paid blogging networks
- How can article writing boost traffic and income?
- Get paid to blog!