
Monday, February 18, 2008

Ultimate Success Package

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is really nothing new! Since the 19th and early 20th centuries, there have been many success books written, which were the basis for this blockbuster book.

Now you can own the source material from which The Secret was taken!!

A HUGE collection of other ebooks
A total of 140 ebooks in this collection

PLUS - 5 complete MP3 Audio books

James Allen - "The Way of Peace" Audio MP3

James Allen - "As a Man Thinketh" Audio MP3

P T Barnum - "Art of Money Getting" Audio MP3

Wallace D Wattles - "The Science of Being Great" Audio MP3

Attracting Money Meditation Audio MP3

All audio books are High Quality MP3 audio files and are read

in a professional, human voice.

All ebooks supplied are in PDF format

This is the ULTIMATE success package! Get a FREE sample- click here!

"The Laws of Success" by Napoleon Hill

ebook version
Over 1,100 pages of success secrets from 500 of America's most successful people of all time.

ebooks number 1 - 16 in this collection

It took 20 years to write but you can start learning from it soon.

Commissioned by Andrew Carnegie and given personal introductions to the likes of Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller, Alexander Graham Bell and hundreds of others, Napoleon Hill's research and study of successful people made him the best-selling success author of all time.

Of all of his works, none have ever matched his landmark The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons. First published in 1928, these sixteen lessons became the world's first comprehensive philosophy of personal achievement.

In Napoleon Hill's own words: "The purpose of the Law of Success course is to enable you to find out how you may become more capable in your chosen field of work. To this end you will be analyzed and all of your qualities classified so you may organize them and make the best possible use of them."

Endorsed by two U.S. Presidents and countless leaders of business and industry, it's as powerful and effective today as it was 75 years ago. For dedicated students of success, there is no better primer.

The other ebooks you will receive in this package are:
17. The Master Key System - Charles Haanel
The Master Key is here given to the world as a means of tapping the great Cosmic Intelligence and attracting from it that which corresponds to the ambitions, and aspirations of each reader. The Master Key teaching has been published in the form of a Correspondence Course of 24 lessons, delivered to students one per week for 24 weeks. The reader, who now receives the whole 24 parts at one times, is warned not to attempt to read the book like a novel, but to treat it as a course of study and conscientiously to imbibe the meaning of each part - reading and re-reading one part only per week before proceeding to the next.
18. Mental Chemistry - Charles Haanel
19. Above Life's Turmoil - James Allen
20. As a Man Thinketh - James Allen
21. Byways to Blessedness - James Allen
22. The Path of Prosperity - James Allen
23. The Way of Peace - James Allen

24. Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
25. Think and Grow Rich Workbook - Joe Vitale

Joe Vitale is one of the teachers featured in "The Secret" movie. With this version of Think and Grow Rich, he shows how to get the most from this classic work.

26. The Science of Getting Rich - Wallace D Wattles

Rhonda Byrne, producer of "The Secret" movie, acquired a copy of this work in 2004. This new thought work from 1910 opened here eyes to a new way of living and propelled her on her mission to bring the principles of the Universe to the masses - by creating the film THE SECRET!

27. The Science of Being Great - Wallace D Wattles

28. The Science of Being Well - Wallace D Wattles

Here is a quick recap on what you will receive:

"The Laws of Success" by Napoleon Hill-ebook version

PLUS, a HUGE collection of other ebooks
A total of 140 ebooks in this collection
PLUS - 5 complete MP3 Audio books

All ebooks supplied as PDF files

All audio books supplied as MP3 files

Yours on CDs for only $9.99 + $5 shipping to US addresses-click here to ORDER NOW

OR, if you PREFER- SAVE on shipping and have your files sent to you through digital delivery- only $9.99- click here to ORDER NOW

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